New York State Department of Health | Health Data NY

Open Data NY - DOH
This map contains information on the adult life stage collection and testing results of blacklegged ticks (most commonly seen in fall and late winter/early spring) from various locations across New York State. These ticks were tested in “pools”, groups of up to ten ticks per sample, for the human pathogen Powassan virus, also known as Deer tick virus. This map helps generate awareness on the tick populations that had pools that tested positive for Powassan virus. The data presented here also depicts the number of sites sampled per county, as well as the total number of ticks tested. Both tick density and pathogen infection percentage can vary greatly within a very small area, and definitely vary widely within a county. Therefore, these data should not be used to broadly predict disease risk for a larger or smaller area, such as for the county or the town. They should be used simply to educate that there is a risk to ticks and tick-borne diseases. Further below on this page you can find links to the Department of Health tick prevention page, a video link on how to safely remove a tick should it attach, and a link to a list of county health departments.
tick, ticks, ixodes, scapularis, powassan, deer tick virus
Current value: 0 out of 5
Data Provided By
New York State Department of Health
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Field Names:

Total Sites Visited
Total Ticks Collected
Tick Population Density
Total Ticks Tested
Pools Tested
Pools Positive
Minimum Infection Rate
County Location
New York Zip Codes
NYS Senate Districts
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Communities
School Districts 2016.shp

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