New York State Department of Health | Health Data NY

Open Data NY - DOH
The datasets contain Potentially Preventable Visit (PPV) observed, expected, and risk-adjusted rates for all payer beneficiaries by patient county and patient zip code beginning in 2011. The Potentially Preventable Visits (PPV), obtained from software created by 3M Health Information Systems, are emergency visits that may result from a lack of adequate access to care or ambulatory care coordination. These ambulatory sensitive conditions could be reduced or eliminated with adequate patient monitoring and follow up. The rates were calculated using Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS) inpatient and outpatient data and Claritas population information. The observed, expected and risk adjusted rates for PPV are presented by either resident county (including a statewide total) or resident zip code (including a statewide total). For more information, check out: The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.
quality-safety-costs, strategic initiatives, sparcs, ppv, potentially preventable visits, efficiency, all payer, outpatient, emergency
Current value: 0 out of 5
Data Provided By
New York State Department of Health
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  • 950x808

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API Endpoint:

Field Names:

Discharge Year
Patient County Name
Observed Rate Per 100 People
Expected Rate Per 100 People
Risk Adjusted Rate Per 100 People
Difference in Rates

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Socrata OData documentation

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OData V4 Endpoint:

OData V2 Endpoint:

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