New York State Department of Health | Health Data NY

Open Data NY - DOH
The chart shows risk adjusted Potentially Preventable Readmission rates by hospital for Medicaid enrollees beginning in 2011. The Potentially Preventable Readmission (PPR) software created by 3M Health Information Systems, identifies hospital admissions clinically related to an initial admission within a specified time period. For this dataset, readmissions were evaluated within a 30-day time period from the discharge date of the initial hospital admission. A PPR may have resulted from a deficiency in the process of care and treatment at the initial hospitalization or lack of post discharge follow up. PPRs are not defined by unrelated events that occur post-discharge, such as admissions for trauma. For each hospital, the total number of at risk admissions, the total number of observed PPR chains, the observed PPR rate, the expected PPR rate, and risk adjusted PPR rate are presented by year. For more information, check out The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.
quality-safety-costs, strategic initiatives, medicaid, ppr, potentially preventable readmission, dsrip, inpatient
Current value: 0 out of 5
Data Provided By
New York State Department of Health
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API Endpoint:

Field Names:

Discharge Year
Facility Name
At Risk Admissions
Observed PPR Chains
Observed PPR Rate
Expected PPR Rate
Risk Adjusted PPR Rate
Dual Status

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OData V2 Endpoint:

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