New York State Department of Health | Health Data NY

Open Data NY - DOH
Each dwelling visited by the HNP is classified into one of three periods based on the year it was built: before 1950 (“pre-1950”), built 1950-1978, or built after 1978. These periods relate to the general age of the housing. Older housing can present health and safety hazards to their residents. In addition, these groupings coincide with the presence of lead in paint, a health hazard for young children. For dwellings visited by the Clinton County HNP, this chart displays the percent of homes built in each period by funding cycle. For example, the first set of bars shows the percent of dwellings that were built before 1950 during each of the 3 funding cycles. We can see that Clinton County has increased the percent of the oldest homes from about 10% in the first funding cycle to almost 30% during the current funding cycle. Looking at the orange bars, we see that during the current funding cycle, Clinton County’s HNP has visited about the same percentage of homes built in each time period. The counties participating in the Healthy Neighborhoods Program can create this type of chart to view trends in how they are targeting their visits. For example, if a county wants to reach older homes, it may want to refocus its efforts on communities with older housing stock. The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.
carbon monoxide, environmental health, fire safety, hazards, healthy homes, homes, housing, indoor air, intervention, mold, lead, pests, program evaluation, smoking, tobacco, community health and chronic disease
Current value: 0 out of 5
Data Provided By
New York State Department of Health
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Field Names:

Funding Cycle
County Name
Visit Type
Variable Detail
Frequency Count
Percent of Total Frequency
Date Closed
New York Zip Codes
NYS Senate Districts
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Communities
School Districts 2016.shp

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