This chart shows the trend in percentage of preterm births for Albany county. It also shows the 2024 objective. To view the chart for a different county, create a new chart under the "Visualize" tab. This chart is based on the Prevention Agenda Tracking Indicators county level trend data set posted on this site. Each dataset consists of county level data for 68 health tracking indicators and sub-indicators for the Prevention Agenda 2019-2024: New York State’s Health Improvement Plan. A health tracking indicator is a metric through which progress on a certain area of health improvement can be assessed. The indicators are organized by the Priority Area of the Prevention Agenda as well as the Focus Area under each Priority Area. Each dataset includes tracking indicators for the five Priority Areas of the Prevention Agenda 2013-2018. The most recent year dataset includes the most recent county level data for all indicators. The trend dataset includes the most recent county level data and historical data, where available. Each dataset also includes the Prevention Agenda 2018 state targets for the indicators. Sub-indicators are included in these datasets to measure health disparities among socioeconomic groups. For more information, check out: The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.
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Current value: 0 out of 5
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Current value: 0 out of 5
- Raters
- 0
- Visits
- 58463
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- 4541
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- 0
- Contributors
- 0
- Category
- Health
- Permissions
- Public
- Tags
- prevention agenda, tracking indicator, county, community health and chronic disease, strategic initiatives, births-deaths-other facts
- SODA2 Only
- Yes
Licensing and Attribution
- Data Provided By
- New York State Department of Health
- Source Link
Dataset Information
- Agency
- Health, Department of
Dataset Summary
- Time Period
- Different data years for different indicators
- Posting Frequency
- Yearly
- Dataset Owner
- Office of Public Health Practice
- Coverage
- Statewide
- Granularity
- County
- Units
- Health Tracking Indicators
- Organization
- Office of Public Health Practice
- Data Frequency
- Annually
- Limitations
- This dataset consists of various types of indicators with different units of measurement such as rates per 10,000 population, percentages, and ratios. Therefore, comparison of data across indicators might not be valid.
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