Profile Picture Open Data NY - DOH

created Mar 29 2020

updated Sep 1 2023


Note: This dataset is no longer being updated as of September 1, 2023.
This dataset includes information on the number of tests of individuals for COVID-19 infection performed in New York State beginning March 1, 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was identified in the state. The primary goal of publishing this dataset is to provide users timely information about local disease spread and reporting of positive cases. The data will be updated daily, reflecting tests completed by 12:00 am (midnight) the day of the update (i.e., all tests reported by the end of the day on the day before the update).
Note: On November 14, 2020, only 14 hours of laboratory data was collected and shared. A 2:00 pm cutoff time was implemented, allowing the NYSDOH to enhance data quality reviews. All other published laboratory data represented 24 hours of data collection.
As of April 4, 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) no longer requires entities conducting COVID testing to report negative or indeterminate antigen test results. This may impact the number and interpretation of total test results reported to the state and also impacts calculation of test percent positivity. Because of this, as of April 5, 2022, test percent positivity is calculated using PCR tests only. Reporting of total new daily cases (positive results) will continue to include PCR and antigen tests.
Reporting of SARS-CoV2 laboratory testing results is mandated under Part 2 of the New York State Sanitary Code. Clinical laboratories, as defined in Public Health Law (PHL) § 571 electronically report test results to the New York State Department of Health (DOH) via the Electronic Clinical Laboratory Reporting System (ECLRS). The DOH Division of Epidemiology’s Bureau of Surveillance and Data System (BSDS) monitors ECLRS reporting and ensures that all positives and negatives are accurate. Starting September 30, 2020, this data also includes pooled/batch tests reported by institutions of higher education. This is also known as surveillance testing and not performed by a clinical laboratory.
Test counts reflect those reported to DOH each day. A person may have multiple specimens tested on one day, these would be counted one time, i.e., if two specimens are collected from an individual at the same time and then evaluated, the outcome of the evaluation of those two samples to diagnose the individual is counted as a single test of one person, even though the specimens may be tested separately. Conversely, if an individual is tested on more than one day, the data will show two tests of an individual, one for each date the person was tested. An individual will only be counted positive one time.
Test counts are assigned to a county based on this order of preference: 1) the patient’s address, 2) the ordering healthcare provider/campus address, or 3) the ordering facility/campus address.

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covid-19, covid, sars-cov2, novel coronavirus
Row Label
SODA2 Only
Licensing and Attribution
Data Provided By
New York State Department of Health
Source Link
Dataset Information
Health, Department of
Dataset Summary
Office of Public Health
Program Owner
Bureau of Surveillance and Data Systems, Division of Epidemiology, Center for Community Health
Time Period
Beginning March 1, 2020
Posting Frequency
Dataset Owner
Bureau of Surveillance and Data Systems, Division of Epidemiology, Center for Community Health
Test results for SARS-CoV2
The SARS-CoV2 laboratory test result data on this site reflects the best information available to DOH at the time the data is posted. The total number of tests of individuals performed include all positive, negative, and inconclusive results. Despite the relatively small proportion of inconclusive results, it is not appropriate to subtract the number of individuals tested positive from the total number of individuals tested to calculate the total number of individuals tested negative.
On November 14, 2020, only 14 hours of laboratory data was collected and shared. A 2:00 pm cutoff time was implemented, allowing the NYSDOH to enhance data quality reviews. All other published laboratory data represented 24 hours of data collection. As of 4/4/22, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) no longer requires entities conducting COVID testing to report negative or indeterminate antigen test results. This may impact the number and interpretation of total test results reported to the state and also impacts calculation of test percent positivity. Because of this, as of 4/5/22, test percent positivity is calculated using PCR tests only. Reporting of total new daily cases (positive results) will continue to include PCR and antigen tests.
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