- Community Rating
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Your Rating
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Raters
- 0
- Visits
- 52321
- Downloads
- 3161
- Comments
- 0
- Contributors
- 0
- Category
- Health
- Permissions
- Public
- Tags
- carbon monoxide, environmental health, fire safety, hazards, healthy homes, homes, housing, indoor air, intervention, mold, lead, pests, program evaluation, smoking, tobacco
- SODA2 Only
- Yes
- NYSDOH_HealthyNeighborhoodsProgram_Benefits.pdf
- NYSDOH_HealthyNeighborhoodsProgram_Research.pdf
- NYSDOH_HealthyNeighborhoodsProgram_Form.pdf
- NYSDOH_HealthyNeighborhoodsProgram_ScannableForm_UserManual.pdf
- NYSDOH_HealthyNeighborhoodsProgram_Overview.pdf
- NYSDOH_HealthyNeighborhoodsProgram_DataDictionary.pdf
- Data Provided By
- New York State Department of Health
- Source Link
- http://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/indoors/healthy_neighborhoods/
- Agency
- Health, Department of
- Time Period
- Beginning January 2007
- Posting Frequency
- Annually
- Dataset Owner
- Center for Environmental Health/Bureau of Community Environmental Health and Food Protection
- Coverage
- Statewide with Limited Number of Counties
- Granularity
- Target areas within selected ZIP codes or census tracts
- Units
- Aggregated Initial Visits; aggregated Revisits
- Organization
- Office of Public Health
- Data Frequency
- N/A See notes
- Limitations
- The data is collected for the purpose of program evaluation and is subject to a number of important limitations that may impact analysis and interpretation of the data. These limitations are outlined in the overview document. Researchers agree to: 1. Read the NYS Healthy Neighborhoods Program Overview, data dictionaries and other supporting documentation, as appropriate. 2. Use the data for descriptive purposes only. 3. Include a disclaimer that credits any analyses, interpretations, or conclusions reached to the author and not NYSDOH.
- Notes
- The dataset includes summary data of dwellings visited by county health departments by county and funding cycle as well as for all counties combined by funding cycle.